Port of San Diego - Maritime Clean Air Strategy
Port of San Diego’s Maritime Clean Air Strategy Front Page
For the past decade the San Diego Unified Port District (Port of San Diego) has invested time in new technologies to improve the air quality. Some of these plans include the Clean Air Plan (2007), Climate Action Plan (2013), and the Final Environmental Impact Report for Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal (TAMT).
The Port of San Diego states that more needs to be done to alleviate the burden of environmental afflictions, including air pollution. Their vision:
“In acknowledgment and in response to these circumstances, on July 13, 2021, the Board of Port Commissioners (Board) identified a vision statement for the Maritime Clean Air Strategy (MCAS): Health Equity for All.
More specifically, health equity is achieved when every person has the opportunity to “attain his or her full health potential” and no one is “disadvantaged from achieving this potential because of social position or other socially determined circumstances.” While Health Equity for All centers around public health, its success may be further advanced through a sustainable environment and thriving seaport. This vision provides a higher resolution lens for crisper and broader sight through which to view the primary and co-benefits of the MCAS. This vision is concise, transformational, and inclusive and acknowledges that the development and operation of a multiple purpose use port like the Port of San Diego benefits all the people of California. It takes a more holistic view of multiple benefits and is part of a paradigm shift occurring across the United States recognizing that marginalized communities, which are predominately resided by people of color, have historically suffered more than their share of the burden. As a steward of Public Trust resources, the MCAS will help the Port build upon past plans and actions with an increased urgency and create a more sustainable future through immediate and sustained action in an effort to achieve short and long-terms goals.”
They hope to get to 100% zero emissions trucks and cargo handling equipment by 2030.
Read more about it on the Port of San Diego Maritime Clean Air Strategy website.